Don’t Despise the Small Beginnings

by | Oct 2, 2022 | Prayer, Prophetic words, dreams and visions | 0 comments

Learn about the history and brave efforts of the people of the Czech Republic and discover the value of one person, one vote and growing into a wave of revolution of freedom. Many prayer points are discussed in this video.

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Prayer for the Czech Republic:
Father, I thank you and come before you as our Sovereign God and glorious Creator. You created all mankind for Your glory and Your purposes. You do not intend for any of us to be oppressed by the schemes and whiles of the enemy. Father, as a child of the covenant, Your child, I boldly present myself before Your throne and petition for the benefit of the Czech Republic. By Your assignment, I have been praying for them for two years. I have read and learned about their history and some of their issues. I do not know all but have been pressing in to seek and then present it before You. I know You have said they have no business in the United Nations and they also have a goth spirit. I present this before you and ask for Your divine healing for this land of people who have been in constant prayer to you for many years. The Moravians prayed to you for 100 years without ceasing and continue to pray. The beauty of the farmland is being contaminated. Father, I pray against anything that is not in Your plan for their farmland to become known and a strategy be presented for the protection, cleansing, and restoration of their farmland and waters. I pray for divine appointments in the Czech Republic where angels and Your children deposit hope and restoration to these people. I break any curses, in Jesus’s name, of the impact of bloodlines such as the Hapsburgs. I plead the blood of Jesus over the Czech Republic and declare a spiritual revolution among its people. May they trust You. May their eyes be opened to understand Your love more fully. Jesus has said the field is white and ready for harvest and I claim that for the Czech Republic. I pray this from a heavenly place where Your word says I am seated and claim authority in Christ over those things You have assigned to me. May my brothers and sisters join the cord of 3 with me to pray blessings and restoration over the Czech Republic and to break the evil bonds and webs over this nation of Your children. May they realize that You wrote a book of their lives and seek to know their true destiny in Christ. In Jesus’s mighty and victorious name. Amen


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