Literacy Support
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This document is a summary of my bottom line observations based on 28 years of literacy teaching and coaching experience. It covers the 5 Basics of Literacy and is filled with links to recommended books and resources. This focus is an academic approach. Subscribe to my Literacy Blog and receive the Resource Guide for free.

Teaching Reading Using the Bible document
Studying to read can be boring
It can be frustrating!
Did you know that the only time the Bible mentions studying is in frustration? (Ecclesiastes 12:12)
Am I telling you not to study? No. But, studying doesn’t always get you there. Engaging both sides of your brain and including a key piece of the formula that I could not teach in school.
I said from the get go this is a faith-based site so – ta da! We need the Lord on our side! Always and forever, He is our Wonderful Counselor. (Isaiah 9:6b) Seeking God’s help is a heart issue. Our hearts can be wounded which hinders our attitude. See the “Heart Attitude” section below for some help there.
Now, let’s talk about that brain of yours.
Your brain has two sides – left and right. They are responsible for very different functions. Check out the image of the left and right brain.
Here’s a big surprise for you. The standardized tests of public school are super aligned to the left brainers, but guess what? Many of my literacy students were – yes – right brained! Praise God for them. They’re my people for I am, in case you haven’t noticed, right brained.

Being right brained in a left brained world can be frustrating but fun to conquer. One of my favorite ways was to connect text with other senses and imagery. I mean, through drawing, performing, listening, watching, and performing.
The literacy solution is not just science!
Will you become a better reader instantly after you accept Christ?
No. But, knowing who you are – spirit, soul, and body transforms you and helps grow a better heart attitude.
Watch this video.
Some reading issues
ARE physical
When the eyes do not track text properly…that’s “Convergence Insufficiency” Read the research at this link. I have worked with this product with hundreds of students and seen improvement.
Ask them for an online trial.
Great Reading Strategies Sites
Pasco Reading Kelly Gallagher – provides a great article of the week with strategies

About That Heart Attitude
The heart is more than an organ. It contains our underlying attitudes, motivations and character traits. If we are hurting, God can heal the heart and set you free to grow as He designs. If you are all stressed out about this, this is not coming from God. There are three voices you hear – your own rational mind, God’s and, um the enemy – satan. Speak back your positive and use these helps as they apply.
1. SPEAK POSITIVE WORDS! Consider any words you have spoken discrediting yourself or your student. For example, “I hate math!” “I can’t do ____.” “It’s hopeless.” You must first stop that and accept in your heart that you can do it.
2. UNDO NEGATIVE WORDS AND THINKING – Repent by telling God, “Lord, I’m sorry for saying these things about not learning. I know You can help me and repent of my attitude and unbelief.”
3. ASK GOD FOR HELP “God, I know you can help me with this problem and ask for you to show me what to do. I trust you and am seeking your counsel.” This is putting your heart out there to join the learning party.
4. Expect and believe what you just did. Repeat it out loud each day. Do not entertain defeat. Don’t believe me yet, science has supported the power of prayer and positive expectation. Check out this video!
5. Read the Bible every day. Get a friendly version and allow yourself to read and hear the word. Read Romans 12:2 to get started.
Be consistent in your journey. Don’t be afraid to admit your frustrations to the Lord. Ask Him to help you see things as He sees it like He did.