Stones, Rocks, Pebbles, Boulders of Life
"When Jesus is in the picture, we can trust and enjoy healing and peace.  His love and guidance is specific, offers hope, and speaks to places within that only He knows how."

In 2004, I had a blood clot(s) which embolized through my heart and lungs.  I was fortunate those “stones” passed –  and I didn’t.

Even though I survived, our much anticipated family vacation out West was in jeopardy.  A long drive was not the best therapy for healing arteries and veins. ​

After a few weeks, I determined it was one of those “D” days for me – do or die.  I had babied myself enough and figured, if I could endure some exercise and work in the yard, I’d be OK for the trip.  I was in that mode of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.  Since it didn’t kill me, we went on that trip.

I fondly recall my climb to the top of a rock in Zion National Park where I proudly stood upon a beautiful red rock with my arms raised high in the air in praise.​ ​

woman on rock arms open

What is remarkable is that Jesus knows how much I love rocks.  A few years ago, I began to believe His promise, that “My sheep hear my voice…” (John 10:27). I committed regular quiet time to seek Him.  Soon, I began to hear Him speak to my heart!  Not only could I hear Him, I could fix my eyes on Him and tune into and feel the flow of his promise of living water.  Jesus promised us, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink, He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”  (John 7:37-38)

A second witness of my experiences occurred as I sought further teaching and insight about prayer and hearing God’s voice.  This led me to the teachings of Dr. Mark Virkler and to refine my process to include journaling. Dr. Virkler refers to these steps as the  “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice” and supports this also with scripture from Habakkuk 2:1-2.


4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice

Key 1: Quieting yourself down

I will take my stand at my watch post, and station myself on the tower,”  (Stillness)

Key 2:  Fixing your eyes on Jesus

​“and look out to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint.”   (Vision) Jesus)

Key 3:  Tuning to spontaneity.

​“And the Lord answered me…” (Spontaneity)


Key 4:  and Writing

​‘Write the vision.  Make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.’” (ESV)  (Journaling)

I’ve included a link at the bottom to learn more.  It’s awesome!

When Jesus is in the picture, we can trust and enjoy healing and peace.  His love and guidance is specific, offers hope, and speaks to places within that only He knows how.  Making sure Jesus is always in the picture, He takes me to places and speaks words which heal old heart wounds at a pace only He knows I can handle.  These visions have greatly enhanced my life bringing new peace and trust I have never known before.

Approximately 1/3 of the Holy Bible includes dreams and visions.  So, that must mean they are pretty important.  It’s not just for prophets or priests or leadership, but for ALL his sheep.  I mean, truly, haven’t you found yourself waking up with a song playing in your head.  Think about it.  Your heart and your spirit is always awake.  Perhaps you were worshipping God with the angels.  Maybe those dreams are a message for you.  I’ll address dreams in another blog though.   

Is this really Biblical?  Some might say such experiences is New Age.  I have learned in my own life and in further prayer and study that the difference is that New Age will entertain ANY spiritual experience meaning you will get mixed up signals.  That means demonics too!  I sure don’t want any of that.  I want only what God offers as He reinforces over and over in the Bible.  It is no wonder that the enemy, satan himself, would want to corrupt dreams and visions for us so that we miss such an amazing opportunity to commune with God.  Yes, time with Jesus is completely Biblical, and, certainly, Jesus is the greatest teacher.  While Jesus is specific in vision He also spoke in parables to reinforce the importance of imagery.  His stories will pull our minds to that well, that field, that multiplication of fishes and loaves. Picture language is the language of God! Can’t you see it!  If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we are safe.  

As I try to quiet down, often in my favorite “prayer chair,” I will place myself in various places.  It is quite often on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.   One morning, the Lord joined me on the seashore of the Sea of Galilee and began to pick up and skip rocks.  He did not say anything but continued to skip them in great fun.  I picked up a few rocks and began to skip them also.  I felt a sudden release of stress and found myself like a child again.

skipping rock

Then, the Lord said,

“Those rocks you are skipping should be like your worries and concerns.  Let them skip along the water’s surface.  Don’t let them sink into your soul.”

My heart was further lifted as my mind noted cares needing release to Jesus.  It was wonderful!  He has reinforced that worry and fear are the opposite of faith and are contrary to any useful purpose.  Growing in Christ, I began to cling to the comfort of His promises as well as those of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6-7:  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”   I learned to quote scripture in my trials to push the enemy back from my mind as well as to allow Christ to renew my mind.  (Ephesians 4:23)

Life’s challenges, and sometimes Jesus’ testing and growing me, can put me up to the shoreline to choose whether to release my cares to Him.  On numerous occasions, Jesus has given me a mental visual flashback to the rock skipping scene.  Sometimes that’s enough to let go.

and then………

As I was growing in more regular release of my anxiety to the Lord, a new issue arose that “rocked” my newfound paradigm.  Even though I knew the issue was a test, my soul willfully suffered several days before I released it to the Lord.  Then, the Lord spoke to my heart and said,

“That’s a rock you didn’t skip.”

gripping rock

Isn’t God a true wordsmith!  He speaks and the whole world is formed. (Genesis 1:3) He speaks and we are healed. (Matthew 9:6-8)

On another occasion on the Sea of Galilee, I found the Lord sitting on a buck board wagon along the shore.  As we traveled the rocky shoreline, I asked the Lord why we were taking such a bumpy and slow ride.  Jesus replied,

“Sometimes our travel is over rough rocks,
but I can help break them up and allow light to enter.”

It was not until a few weeks later that I understood what the Lord meant.  More inner healing came as some tough “rocks” Jesus had prepared to help me release.  He patiently did a work in me to set me free of some buried rocks of guilt and shame.

Spending quiet time with the Lord is the best part of my day.  He is a Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6) who brings healing to my heart.  I pray you also enjoy that time and can hear His voice.  I pray you consider those “rocks” you may be holding onto that are weighing you down.  Get free!  Surrender them to Jesus and live in His abundance and grace.  Accept what Jesus will offer you as He will surely offer help to smooth out the rough edges of your heart.  Life struggles to grow from stony ground. Cling to the one true rock – Jesus Christ. (Psalm 18:2)

If you are still not sure how to release your burdens to God, open your whole heart to Him and just starting talking to Him.  Pray for Him to lead you to wise counselors who can come alongside you in your faith journey.  Smile and let God have your heart.  He created it.  He can fix it.

Rock and fortress

Happy skipping! God bless you!

P.S.  I entitled this blog “and Stones”  as the prequel, “Sticks” is forthcoming. (because the Lord is now holding a stick in His hand.)