A Time to Stomp, and a Time to Step!

by | Nov 5, 2021 | Prophetic words, dreams and visions | 1 comment

10/18/2021 – A Time to Stomp, and a Time to Step!
As I was spending time with the Lord in prayer, I asked Him what He wanted to say to me. The first thing I heard was, “Profess your healing.” As my closest friends know, I have a mild issue with blurriness in my eyes with one easily corrected and another the doctor says “never” self-corrects. I smiled when I first heard that because I had been asking for the Lord to teach me more about the gift of healing and having a desire to bless the world with healing miracles. It makes great sense that I would have an issue not completely correctable, and that man says “never” self-corrects. So, yes, Lord, I profess daily my healing and look upon Jesus to see what He is doing as I lay hands on my eyes and invite Him there. He has been very faithful to give me prayers and prompts. One day, the Lord said to worship. There is a healing portal opening up to our world, and I declare His healing power is here and do profess my healing.
Continuing, I saw a road ahead. There were vertical ruts in the road. I then heard,
“The striations are the struggle on the road to Me and are part of the path. There is no Easy Street. The striations are prayers.”
(Striations: One of several parallel lines or scratches on the surface of a rock that were inscribed by rock fragments embedded in the base of a glacier as it moved across the rock.)
As the servant of Elijah was sent to look for rain seven times (1 Kings 18:43), I keep looking and listening, and hear,
“Portals are access to Me, other worlds and places, other thoughts and ideas. I have shown you many.”
I recall a couple of prayer moments and dreams where I now understand the openings I saw in those situations were portals. The Lord confirmed this to my spirit as I continued to pray and worship the Lord. The Lord continues,
“There are also corridors that you gain access to as you come in agreement with My correct principles. People get down the wrong ones when they look away.”
I begin to pray and intercede for those who come to mind who may have come into false doctrine not of God, going down those wrong corridors I am seeing.
I continue to look and see people on roller coasters going in all sorts of directions.
The Lord says, “Some put themselves on roller coaster rides with random choices as they do not seek Me in all things. ‘I can do all things in Christ’ does not mean to go and do ALL things but all THOSE things I anoint for you.”
I begin to sing and praise because these words found in Philippians 4:13 have been one of my favorite hope-building scriptures. I reply to Him,
“Yes, Lord, I remember the roller coasters. I now seek anchor in Your safe harbor. Please cleanse me of all that is not of you.”
The scene shifts. I now can see the Father on the throne. It is a little muted but I see Him high above the clouds with softness all around Him. I want to be like a little child and just crawl up in His lap. I find myself standing there in awe. I suddenly see the Father stomp His foot. He says,
“There is stomping and there is standing. To STOMP is to say ‘ENOUGH’! To STEP is to move in that conviction. Seek My direction WHEN to stomp and WHERE to step.”
I am in so much awe at this word for I sense the stomp of the Father, LORD God, is very significant. I continue to look around and see Jesus nearby. How marvelous! Then, something is rising up before us. I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. I marvel in that the order of my awareness of the triune God in this vision. Just as in Biblical fashion, God the Father, the LORD GOD, walked and talked with Adam in the Garden. (Genesis 3) Jesus came to the world as a baby thousands of years later. Upon Christ’s ascension to heaven, His promise was fulfilled 50 days later with the fire of the Holy Spirit. While all three are one and are spoken of also in Genesis 1, I found my vision to be amazing to encounter the Father first, then Jesus, then the Holy Spirit. As I meditate upon this in the Lord’s presence, I recall the promise of the fire of the magnification of the Holy Spirit on the earth which is often referred to as the Third Great Awakening. During this time, there will be a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit and revival upon the Earth. We are hearing of massive salvation revivals already happening. Following the great outpouring will eventually be the return of Christ. We will one day also return to the Father. It has been said that the end times are parallel to Genesis 6 backwards to 1 which bears witness of what I am experiencing in this vision.
Then, the LORD GOD stood up.
I hear the Holy Spirit say, “Are you ready?” There is a quick consensus. Then, the winds of the Holy Spirit begin to blow. A little beyond, I see this massive, white-topped mountain with its top being lifted. I see countless angels pouring out of this keep. Their backs are radiant like fire! I ask what they are and hear,
“It’s the angels of fire who have been sealed away for such a time as this.”
Hallelujah! This corresponds to Hebrews 1:7, “7And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.” I rejoice in this and encourage you to read the entire 7th Chapter of Hebrews as there are references of the order of the Kingdom of God, to the triune God, and the making of the worlds. What a perfect Biblical confirmation!
Finally, I hear:
“Go and minister to the heavy laden. Release My fire into them. Gather in ways they have never done before. Be united.”
Beloved, I am so wrecked by this vision. There is so much there to gain and to be released. For those going down hard paths, your journey is still on the road to Him. For those going down wrong paths, reestablish your course. Repent and you will be amazed at the flow God will release into your life. For those who have doubted the presence of God to come during this chaos of our world, know the LORD GOD of all has stomped and stood. The Holy Spirit is releasing fire angels to bear witness of God’s love and power. He is directing us to gather as never before. During the past year and half, we have done so in various ways including virtual online meetings and found ourselves in ministry in most any public area. As we go out, it is our charge to go in the name of Jesus seeking those whom to minister to and even for others to minister to us. In this time of the enemy seeking to divide us in so many ways, let us stomp upon that evil and stand against it. God bless you and keep you.
If you would like to gather with our ministry, we have weekly Zoom gatherings to seek the Lord together. You may sign up on our website at www.inallthingsministries.org.

Closing prayer – Father, I thank you for this beautiful vision of Your wonderful plans for us. I appreciate the opportunity to rest with You and see Your glorious works. I see the unity of You, LORD GOD, with your son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. You seek that unity for the Body here on the Earth. May we seek your guidance on those roads we take. Lead us to the right corridors of instruction and to throw aside our useless choices that bear no fruit. Whether it be lust, pride, or foolishness, cleanse us Father by the blood and power of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, send your fire angels to the Earth to fill us with truth and boldness to stomp and to stand. In Jesus’s precious name.
Declaration: Though the path may be hard, I declare your word in Psalm 107:
When I cry out to the LORD in my trouble, You deliver me from my distress. You lead me on a straight path to reach a city where I can live. I give thanks to you LORD for Your loving devotion and Your wonders to the sons of men. For You satisfy the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things. I declare unity in the Body Christ as You Father, are one with your son and the Holy Spirit.

Part 2
This is Part 2 of the word I received from the Lord in a vision on October 18, 2021. In this segment, I have taken the words Stomp and Step and completed a Hebrew study of them to share a wonderful deeper message. If you did not see Part 1, please go back and watch. There were other parts of that word. The stomp and step part is as follows:

“There is stomping and there is standing. To STOMP is to say ‘ENOUGH’! To STEP is to move in that conviction. Seek My direction WHEN to stomp and WHERE to step.”
The Hebrew language has 22 letters in the alphabet with the first two letters actually being Aleph Bet. Each letter has a numeric significance and meaning as well as a symbol. The Hebrew language also includes symbols for each letter with their own meaning. Hebrew is also read from right to left. There are also numbers assigned to each letter that, as you will see, have significance to understanding the word of God.

Stomp, or daras, ד ר ע consists of three letters – dalet, resh, and ayin. At Jewish weddings, two glasses are stomped by the groom with many symbolic meanings including the loud noise intended to frighten demons away and to say, “May our marriage not break like this glass.” Many scriptures regard the treading or stomping upon the necks of enemies as a manner of conquest. I also consider seeing (as shared in Part 1) the Father stomping his foot down as He was seated on His throne, and the significance of His covenant with those who choose Him. I also consider His covenant with Israel and the covenant the United States of America has made unto God in the creation of our country as noted in our Constitution.

Now, I will explain each of stomp – daras – letter and then put back together. The first letter in the word stomp, or daras, is “dalet.” Its symbol is ד.

Dalet has several meanings including those who are poor/in need, a door, to lift up, and doorpost. Dalet’s Hebrew number is four which means connected to the completeness and creations of God. For example, there are four directions – north, south, east, and west. There are four cups of wine served at Jewish Passovers representing four actions God completes for men –
(1) I will take you out (of Egypt, captivity),
(2) I will save you,
(3) I will redeem you, and
(4) I will take you to me as a nation.

Concerning the four main definitions, He lifts up the poor. In Matthew 5:3, Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the Kingdom of God.” We are all poor and unworthy before God but can be saved and redeemed by Jesus’s sacrifice, the perfect one who are lifted up on the cross. Dalet also means door. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) I love this scripture number for I find the number “7” in Hebrew means perfection. How perfect the promise of our King. Continuing, dalet means to lift up. As we give our heart to Jesus, He will lift us up. We also have this literal promise as one of the Bride of Christ to be “caught up” in the air to join Him. (1 Thessalonians 4:17) Finally, dalet means “the doorpost or lentil. At the time of Passover, the Israelites were told by God to kill a lamb and, among other things, place the blood of the lamb over the door and posts. That manifests as the sign of the cross the Jesus would one day shed His blood for those who would receive Him. When we do, the door is His chamber opens. In am reminded in my vision that the Lord showed me corridors and saying that some go down the wrong ones but that going in His way leads to Him – and to His presence and His chamber.

The Resh is the 20th letter in the alphabet and has a number value of 200. The number 200 in Hebrew means “lion’s mouth” but usually not in a good way. It is actually the number 2 and 100 which is a division of the flock. I recall 1 Peter 5:8 where satan is exposed, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Emphasis here is satan is NOT a lion for Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Here he is exposed as a counterfeit and only “like” a lion.

The word resh means poor, evil, head. Opposite to the poor in spirit of Matthew 5:3, “resh” is the counterpart to dialet where, in resh, MAN seeks enlightenment by their own gratification and working in their own will. I think of the poor philosophies of men such as transhumanism and New Age practices where other entities, or even inner self, are more emphasized and worshipped. Consider philosophies that are found in inner focus or even emptying one’s mind seeking inner light, “om” or a higher power which never identify the LORD GOD of the Bible and Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Holy Spirit is left out also who is our Comforter and always with those believers to guide us. Going back to Part 1 of this word where the LORD shares many going down the wrong corridors that do not lead to them, I consider the flatness of that journey which do not lead to God fully. When man says there is no god, and relies on his own reasoning, he is doomed. When man believes in God and relies on Him only, there is life. It is critical to acknowledge Christ as the head of our lives. Without it, there is division. I return to my vision again and reflect the last word of the Lord was, “Be unified.” This is not only within the Body of Christ but to God and His ways.

Ayin – עָ -has a value of 70 representing the number 7 (perfection) and 10 (completion of God’s law). The numbers 7 and 10 are both considered perfect numbers. There are many representations of 70 in the Bible including 70 elders Ezekiel saw in heaven (Ezekiel 7:10), the Israelites were kept away for 70 years in Babylonian captivity in judgment for not keeping 70 Sabbaths. There were 70 elders called to office in the New Testament.

Ayin means visualization of lifting up one’s eyes to God. It also means the eyes of God. I reflect how, in my vision, the Father was completed focused on the affairs of the Earth. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” (1 Chron. 16:9) Consider that Jesus said in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall SEE God.” What a wonderful promise and truth that God sees us, and as we give Him our whole heart and seek purification before Him, we can see Him and His mighty works!

As each three letters and meanings are connected, and as I pray and ponder the vision I received, this is my result. The eyes of God are upon us. As we purify our hearts, we can see Him and His plan for us and what He is doing. There is much evil in the world with many man-made agendas and practices including Bael worship. As we seek His face and lift up our hearts in worship to God, He will lift us high into His chamber. In His perfect will and judgment, God is already stomping out the enemy who is using others to steal, kill, and destroy our lives and hope. God stands and is blowing the winds of the Holy Spirit out upon the earth to lift us up. As we come into agreement with the order and plan of God, as children of our King, we have perfect authority to also stomp out evil and to send warring angels, like the fire angels, into the earth. While we are poor in spirit, we are rich in the abundance of the Most High God who has made covenant with us. The road may not be easy, but the path is made clear if we are diligent and remain steadfast. Jesus is the only way back to the Father. (John 14:6). One last note is that Ayin is the 16th number in the Hebrew alphabet which means “sacrifice.” Jesus is the perfect One who was lifted up on the cross and sacrificed for us so that we may live. Praise God!

STEP – צעד
Dalet, Ayin, Tsadah

No, hang on to what I just said about dalet and ayin – the doorpost and rescue of God as His eyes are upon us and now just adding a third letter to step to complete its meaning.

Tsadah – The symbol for Tsadah looks like a man on his side as if to display a need. Other words connected to tsadah is snare, correct, trail, need, desire, hunt, wait, fishhook. This reminds me of a time when I was a child that I caught a fishhook in my thumb. It took quite a bit of effort to get it out. I was surely in need. The number associated with tsadah is 90. Interestingly, the 90th Psalm is about Moses contemplating the suffering in a long life. If verses 8-9, it reads – “You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence. All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our days with a moan.” (Psalm 90:8-9)

Another interesting connection with the number 90 in the Bible is the 90th Verse of the Bible: (after Cain killed Abel, God spoke to him)
“What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground!” (Genesis 4:10)
Tsadah is surely a sore word showing a troubling situation in need of God. Combining this with the other two words, aye and dalet, now we can say that someone I need is seeking God whose eye is always watching us. Combining with the dalet – which, again, represents doorpost or lentil and a place of deliverance, and considering the Lord’s word here is – As we lay down our will and as we are in need of God’s to help us in our lives, we seek Him to have mercy on us and mark the doorpost of our hearts. We should seek God’s eye on our lives and in our situation to guide our steps. As He said in the word, and stay close to Him in prayer, He will guide our steps.

And now a closing prayer and declaration
“Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.” (Psalm 119:133)
“Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)

Below is the transcript for Part 2. Here is the link to Part 2. https://youtu.be/aHgHon9SXzo

Part 2
This is Part 2 of the word I received from the Lord in a vision on October 18, 2021. In this segment, I have taken the words Stomp and Step and completed a Hebrew study of them to share a wonderful deeper message. If you did not see Part 1, please go back and watch. There were other parts of that word. The stomp and step part is as follows:

“There is stomping and there is standing. To STOMP is to say ‘ENOUGH’! To STEP is to move in that conviction. Seek My direction WHEN to stomp and WHERE to step.”
The Hebrew language has 22 letters in the alphabet with the first two letters actually being Aleph Bet. Each letter has a numeric significance and meaning as well as a symbol. The Hebrew language also includes symbols for each letter with their own meaning. Hebrew is also read from right to left. There are also numbers assigned to each letter that, as you will see, have significance to understanding the word of God.

Stomp, or daras, ד ר ע consists of three letters – dalet, resh, and ayin. At Jewish weddings, two glasses are stomped by the groom with many symbolic meanings including the loud noise intended to frighten demons away and to say, “May our marriage not break like this glass.” Many scriptures regard the treading or stomping upon the necks of enemies as a manner of conquest. I also consider seeing (as shared in Part 1) the Father stomping his foot down as He was seated on His throne, and the significance of His covenant with those who choose Him. I also consider His covenant with Israel and the covenant the United States of America has made unto God in the creation of our country as noted in our Constitution.

Now, I will explain each of stomp – daras – letter and then put back together. The first letter in the word stomp, or daras, is “dalet.” Its symbol is ד.

Dalet has several meanings including those who are poor/in need, a door, to lift up, and doorpost. Dalet’s Hebrew number is four which means connected to the completeness and creations of God. For example, there are four directions – north, south, east, and west. There are four cups of wine served at Jewish Passovers representing four actions God completes for men –
(1) I will take you out (of Egypt, captivity),
(2) I will save you,
(3) I will redeem you, and
(4) I will take you to me as a nation.

Concerning the four main definitions, He lifts up the poor. In Matthew 5:3, Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the Kingdom of God.” We are all poor and unworthy before God but can be saved and redeemed by Jesus’s sacrifice, the perfect one who are lifted up on the cross. Dalet also means door. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) I love this scripture number for I find the number “7” in Hebrew means perfection. How perfect the promise of our King. Continuing, dalet means to lift up. As we give our heart to Jesus, He will lift us up. We also have this literal promise as one of the Bride of Christ to be “caught up” in the air to join Him. (1 Thessalonians 4:17) Finally, dalet means “the doorpost or lentil. At the time of Passover, the Israelites were told by God to kill a lamb and, among other things, place the blood of the lamb over the door and posts. That manifests as the sign of the cross the Jesus would one day shed His blood for those who would receive Him. When we do, the door is His chamber opens. In am reminded in my vision that the Lord showed me corridors and saying that some go down the wrong ones but that going in His way leads to Him – and to His presence and His chamber.

The Resh is the 20th letter in the alphabet and has a number value of 200. The number 200 in Hebrew means “lion’s mouth” but usually not in a good way. It is actually the number 2 and 100 which is a division of the flock. I recall 1 Peter 5:8 where satan is exposed, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Emphasis here is satan is NOT a lion for Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Here he is exposed as a counterfeit and only “like” a lion.

The word resh means poor, evil, head. Opposite to the poor in spirit of Matthew 5:3, “resh” is the counterpart to dialet where, in resh, MAN seeks enlightenment by their own gratification and working in their own will. I think of the poor philosophies of men such as transhumanism and New Age practices where other entities, or even inner self, are more emphasized and worshipped. Consider philosophies that are found in inner focus or even emptying one’s mind seeking inner light, “om” or a higher power which never identify the LORD GOD of the Bible and Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Holy Spirit is left out also who is our Comforter and always with those believers to guide us. Going back to Part 1 of this word where the LORD shares many going down the wrong corridors that do not lead to them, I consider the flatness of that journey which do not lead to God fully. When man says there is no god, and relies on his own reasoning, he is doomed. When man believes in God and relies on Him only, there is life. It is critical to acknowledge Christ as the head of our lives. Without it, there is division. I return to my vision again and reflect the last word of the Lord was, “Be unified.” This is not only within the Body of Christ but to God and His ways.

Ayin – עָ -has a value of 70 representing the number 7 (perfection) and 10 (completion of God’s law). The numbers 7 and 10 are both considered perfect numbers. There are many representations of 70 in the Bible including 70 elders Ezekiel saw in heaven (Ezekiel 7:10), the Israelites were kept away for 70 years in Babylonian captivity in judgment for not keeping 70 Sabbaths. There were 70 elders called to office in the New Testament.

Ayin means visualization of lifting up one’s eyes to God. It also means the eyes of God. I reflect how, in my vision, the Father was completed focused on the affairs of the Earth. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” (1 Chron. 16:9) Consider that Jesus said in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall SEE God.” What a wonderful promise and truth that God sees us, and as we give Him our whole heart and seek purification before Him, we can see Him and His mighty works!

As each three letters and meanings are connected, and as I pray and ponder the vision I received, this is my result. The eyes of God are upon us. As we purify our hearts, we can see Him and His plan for us and what He is doing. There is much evil in the world with many man-made agendas and practices including Bael worship. As we seek His face and lift up our hearts in worship to God, He will lift us high into His chamber. In His perfect will and judgment, God is already stomping out the enemy who is using others to steal, kill, and destroy our lives and hope. God stands and is blowing the winds of the Holy Spirit out upon the earth to lift us up. As we come into agreement with the order and plan of God, as children of our King, we have perfect authority to also stomp out evil and to send warring angels, like the fire angels, into the earth. While we are poor in spirit, we are rich in the abundance of the Most High God who has made covenant with us. The road may not be easy, but the path is made clear if we are diligent and remain steadfast. Jesus is the only way back to the Father. (John 14:6). One last note is that Ayin is the 16th number in the Hebrew alphabet which means “sacrifice.” Jesus is the perfect One who was lifted up on the cross and sacrificed for us so that we may live. Praise God!

STEP – צעד
Dalet, Ayin, Tsadah

No, hang on to what I just said about dalet and ayin – the doorpost and rescue of God as His eyes are upon us and now just adding a third letter to step to complete its meaning.

Tsadah – The symbol for Tsadah looks like a man on his side as if to display a need. Other words connected to tsadah is snare, correct, trail, need, desire, hunt, wait, fishhook. This reminds me of a time when I was a child that I caught a fishhook in my thumb. It took quite a bit of effort to get it out. I was surely in need. The number associated with tsadah is 90. Interestingly, the 90th Psalm is about Moses contemplating the suffering in a long life. If verses 8-9, it reads – “You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence. All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our days with a moan.” (Psalm 90:8-9)

Another interesting connection with the number 90 in the Bible is the 90th Verse of the Bible: (after Cain killed Abel, God spoke to him)
“What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground!” (Genesis 4:10)
Tsadah is surely a sore word showing a troubling situation in need of God. Combining this with the other two words, aye and dalet, now we can say that someone I need is seeking God whose eye is always watching us. Combining with the dalet – which, again, represents doorpost or lentil and a place of deliverance, and considering the Lord’s word here is – As we lay down our will and as we are in need of God’s to help us in our lives, we seek Him to have mercy on us and mark the doorpost of our hearts. We should seek God’s eye on our lives and in our situation to guide our steps. As He said in the word, and stay close to Him in prayer, He will guide our steps.

And now a closing prayer and declaration
“Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.” (Psalm 119:133)
“Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vanessa Janusz

    This is truly biblical, inspiring, and also convicting in a sweet way, as God does for us. Thank you, Michelle, for being brave and sharing this with us all. I learned from it.


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