Blog Posts
Part 2 – A Time to Stomp, and A Time to Step!
Destroying Seeds of Doubt
“Give the Three Hebrew Boys Their Names Back!”
Jonah 5 7 – Answering the Call to ______
Who is The Reading Keeper?
Ode to Bell Peppers
Be Fierce in the Fray
How Do We Pray During Such Evil?
Even though the Word says to pray for our enemies, and even when God puts a specific adversarial person on your heart to pray for them, how is that possible?
Pray For Our Voting System
By the all-powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray for a hedge of protection around my voting precinct/location (name it if you can) and ask for full integrity and honesty in the voting process.
Cast Your Nets
Beloved, God has equipped each of us with gifts and resources. Just like Peter, obey and let out that which He has told you to do. If you do not know your purpose, ask Him.
The Ultimate Spring Break
Stones, Rocks, Pebbles, Boulders of Life
When Jesus is in the picture, we can trust and enjoy healing and peace. His love and guidance is specific, offers hope, and speaks to places within that only He knows how.