How Do We Pray During Such Evil?

by | Jul 10, 2021 | Prophetic words, dreams and visions | 0 comments

Pray during evilWe are living in an unprecedented time where things in the Word are being countered in society. Even though the Word says to pray for our enemies, and even when God puts a specific adversarial person on your heart to pray for them, how is that possible? It is a journey. As I was praying about someone the Lord put on my heart, I found myself making shallow token prayers. Even though I learned a lot about the person hoping that would soften my heart, it did not. So, I ASKED GOD, “What do you want me to pray?’
His answer:
As I pressed into that, I found the Isaiah 55:11 and found new purpose in my prayer. I was no longer hoping this person would crumble but that the evil within the person would. Then, I enlarged my prayers to the following:
Dear Father, You have told me to love my brother and pray for even those who persecute me. Lord, there are many who are persecuting our nation and the ways you have set forth for us. Father, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ for ALL evil in this land to fall to the ground and burn. You have said that Your Word will not return to you void but will fulfill the purpose for which you have set. Therefore, I am speaking your word and following Your path to pray out the evil in this land. Thank you, Father for moving in this, in your precious son Jesus’s name.


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