For the Sake of America

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Educational, The Reading Keeper | 0 comments

For the Sake of America – Book 1
By Sheila Holm
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Paperback – $19.99 or purchase the five-book series for $100.
Watch an interview with Sheila Holm:

About Sheila: She is an author and ambassador for Christ as she has traveled much of the world as God has led her to minister and support others in their walk with God. In doing so, God has led her to specific places to uncover history and people who have shaped our lands and to expose nefarious deeds of the enemy.

This is the first of five books of Ms. Holm’s loving and attentive work to reveal great and dreadful American events you won’t find explained in a school textbook. Book 1 begins in the early days of America’s history. This is a profound read with anecdotes of her travels and research mostly throughout the state of Georgia to uncover the iniquity of the past and restoration of America’s future. In this day of the Great Awakening, one can learn about the true roots of America including the righteous intentions of the Pilgrims and how paganism infiltrated.

As Sheila pulls back the curtain, she exposes infiltration of Bael worship, roots of freemasonry, and a lesser-known evil entity known as the Mother of Darkness. Sheila shares a compelling story of a young woman connected to the Mother of Darkness mentioned twice in the book of Jeremiah. How has this happened and how do we fix it?

Significant points of the book:
• The Pilgrim’s plight to escape the corruption in Europe and reestablishing of Christian practices and ban all pagan
holidays. The Pilgrims also provided a Bible for every family which was not the King James Version.
• A significant shift occurred in the 1800s with the influx of multiple cultures who brought paganism back to America.
• With the infiltration of paganism in America, massive acts of iniquity occurred:
* The Trail of Tears
* The Civil War
* The giving of Native lands in tax-free land grants in the West
* The infiltration of the Masons into systems of control, even in churches
* The shifting of America from a Republic to a corporation
* The shifting of the banking system and the creation of the Federal Reserve
• Key Georgia towns mentioned in the book include:: Albany, Moultrie, Macon, Jekyll Island, Elberton, Augusta,
and Warm Springs.

Of special significance, Sheila Holm provides the root causes of our economic decline going back to the actions of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is an elaborate reveal with a few mentioned here:
* President Roosevelt was a 33rd-degree mason. This is the highest level of freemasonry and has implications of connections to satanic rituals.
* In 1933, FDR closed banks for four days. Then he established the Emergency Banking Act which essentially dissolved the existing banking system and dissolved the United States of America as a solvent financial entity. Four days later, Roosevelt established the Fireside Chats which were weekly radio broadcasts to establish propaganda to persuade people to put their money back into the banks.
* Roosevelt then signed Executive Order 6102 requiring people to return all their gold to the Federal banks and then was put into the Federal Reserve. Ever since the price of gold has skyrocketed and been reflected in higher prices and less wealth to most Americans. Quite significant to add is Obama signed the same type of order in 2013 immediately after he was inaugurated.
* Roosevelt was responsible for the establishment of the Social Security Act and welfare programs which time has shown have not maintained integrous.
* Holm explains how the Lend-Lease Act led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the US connections with China this far back.

I’m looking forward to reading all the books in this five-part series. As a former public school educator with two degrees in social studies education, I have witnessed the scrubbing of our history and appreciated the bold insight and impartation of this from Holm’s journey.


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