Your Life Verse Purpose Statement

by | Jul 3, 2023 | Educational, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Life Verse Purpose Statement podcast with Dr. Patty Sadallah:

I have spent quite a bit of time in airports these past few years traveling across the United States. Each airport has it’s own people movers including escalators. In seconds, I pass by others with only a small window to make a Kingdom impact. Those seconds are precious and are often the only window we are given to communicate Christ to others. What if that was the only time you had to share what you do and why you do it for God? Wouldn’t those words be the most important words you might be able to share with another human being who may desperately need to hear them? Of course, God can fill your mouth with His words. Yet, He also calls us to armor up and be ready. Are you ready to release your fine-tuned purpose to others that would attract them to know more and especially be attracted to Jesus? What does God want you to do NOW?

The Lord continues to share with me the need to be ready to release a message to others as He highlights those to me. I want to be ready and want to share with a process that helped me to fine-tune my life purpose and discover a more poignant scripture that speaks my heart for God and others.

This thought came up at the end of a wonderful 3-day Spirit LIfe Workshop experience at Beulah Beach in Vermillion, Ohio. After months of preparation and three wonderful days helping others and growing personally with Jesus, the Lord had more for us. Working our way back to Dr. Patty Sadallah’s home for one last day to debrief and plan forward, a new question came up on the drive.

The lighting thought was the “elevator speech.” It’s that short phrase that we have to communicate to another. We have seconds, and the moment is gone. Isn’t that the world we are in now? Attention spans are even shorter and, at best, Dr. Patty suggested it is now the escalator speech. With this in mind, I asked Patty three questions about her ministry and our Spirit Life Circles and Workshops. Patty flowed with each word in her succinct responses. This took me to a moment to ask myself those same questions. This podcast reflects more of that story and will take you through a full explanation and acativation for discovering your Life Verse Purpose Statement.

A Highlight of the podcast is near the end where I share this bubbled up after I returned home when the Lord took me to reading Romans. Having gone through the LVPS with Patty, I connected that her template was within Romans 1. After you read the four parts below, go back to Romans 1 and you’ll find it!

Romans 8:18-19 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
Point: There is a maturity process that believers must go through. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we become a child of God. This is a wonderful and beautiful thing. To be a “son”, we grow into our purpose and to operate in our authority as a Son, in true Sonship. Scriptures are full of examples of those who went through that sonship. Sons are both men and women of God just as men and women may become part of the “bride of Christ. Maturing in Christ, with Christ, and with Christ in us is a beautiful process.

As you go through the Life Verse Purpose Statement, ask yourself who God breaks your heart for. That question should cause a drop in your heart and allow the flow of pictures or memories that God lights upon your mind as you meditate this question.

Dr. Patty and I discuss each of the four categories the Lord gave her to help create the Life Verse Purpose Statement:
1. What/How; that is what do you do in a unique way that is not like others in your industry?
2. Who are you specifically called to serve?
3. What is your guiding value?
4. And what is the desired outcome? Coming up with key umbrella or archetype words that summarize each question is the key and the Lord knows exactly how to get you there when you do this with your heart and not your head.

This was an incredible process. I highly recommend you try it. Please feel free to reach out to learn more. Sign up to receive notifications of our updates or to sign up for prayer coaching.

FINALE (for now):

Michelle Kirby is a Kingdom messenger to help the unsatisfied and heartbroken to see who they are so they may more fully live in their true Christ purpose.

The Life Verse is Ephesians 1:18
“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,”

1 Comment

  1. Alfreda Phillips

    Thank you for sharing this work Michelle. It reminds me of a much simpler version of Rick Warren’s, Purpose Driven Life. I love the nutshell of the Life Verse Purpose Statement with corroborating scripture. Great teamwork. Praying God uses this to further His children in fruitful outcomes. May I share it with a few friends?


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